Month: April 2011

  • Girl killed by weight machine in Danish swimming pool

    A 12-year-old girl died yesterday evening when a 2 meter high weight machine fell on top of her in the swimming pool Ringsted Svømmehal in Denmark. She was training with her swim team, doing some exercise on the floor when the tower tilted and fell on her head. A 12-year-old boy was also injured. Police…

  • Team Arena: Ranomi Kromowidjojo

    Arena presenting Dutch sprint champion Ranomi Kromowidjojo. Sweet.

  • Arena presents: Swimming Clinic with Lotte Friis

    Lotte Friis has in my opinion one of the most perfect kayaking crawl techniques in the World, as taught by Estonian professor Rein Haljand.

  • Sigsgaard swam 125 K in 48 hours

    German Wasserwacht Spremberg arranged a 48 hour swim just recently, inviting amongst others Danish (real) long distance swimmer Grith Sigsgaard. She won and set a 125 kilometer world record, which is about 2.6 kilometers an hour, every hour for two days. If anyone is interested, they will be arranging a 24 hour (sprint?) swim on…

  • Ian Thorpe at the Royal Wedding

    Ian Thorpe is said to be “extremely humbled and overwhelmed” at receiving an invitation from the future King of England, who he has met only once at a Kirribilli House reception in 2009 when the Prince expressed an interest in Thorpe’s Fountain of Youth charity. Via and VIDEO: Thorpedo arrives at Abbey

  • Sewer to be swimming pool in Norway

    Norway’s Forsvarsbygg will announce on 2 May, who gets to rent the old sewer facilities under Festningsplassen in Oslo, very intriguingly described as more or less not used since 1979. Two cinema companies want to build Norway’s biggest cinema there, while the Norwegian Swimming Federation want to turn them into a 4000 square metre big…

  • Heart plungers keep air flowing better during CPR

    The ResQPump works like a toilet plunger, but while decompressing it can draw air back into the lungs. The ResQPOD, cleared by the FDA in 2003, regulates airflow by creating suction in the chest, which draws blood up into the brain. A study led by Tom Aufderheide, professor of emergency medicine at the Medical College…

  • Videos from the 1st Open Water Safety Conference

    U.S: Masters Swimming has posted videos here on Vimeo from the Protecting the Athletes: Open Water Swimming Safety Conference 19-20 March 2011 in San Francisco. This first video is Steve Munatones and Rob Butcher opening the conference. Protecting Athletes: Open Water Safety Conference – Introduction from usmastersswimming on Vimeo.

  • Swimmer delays brain surgery to help team

    Ouch, Brea Olinda’s Alec Boliver has delayed his brain surgery until Friday, so he could swim in Wednesday’s meet against Villa Park. Read Even the most in-shape swimmers feel pain during races, but Boliver encounters more than sore muscles. He has cysts in the central part of his brain. The cysts, and the pressure…