Tag: Penny Palfrey

  • Palfrey aborts Cuba-Florida swim due to strong current

    Last night at about midnight after having swum for more than 40 hours, 49-year-old Penny Palfrey was pulled out of her swim from Cuba to Florida “due to a strong southeast current that made it impossible for her to continue her swim.” Read for instance the Washington Post.

  • Penny Palfrey halfway from Cuba to Florida already

    Endurance swimmer Penny Palfrey pushed through the calm waters of the Florida Straits overnight and through the Saturday dawn, enduring jellyfish stings but otherwise encountering perfect conditions as she neared the halfway mark in her attempt to become the first woman to swim unassisted from Cuba to Florida. Read more here on the Washington Post…

  • Penny Palfrey takes on the Cuba to Florida swim

    49-year-old British-Australian mother of three and grandmother Penny Palfrey Friday dove into the waters of the Florida Straits, to try to break her own world record by swimming 103 miles from Cuba to the United States without a shark cage. Read for instance CNN, the Washington Post and MSNBC

  • Penny Palfrey takes on the Cuba to Florida challenge

    If I’m not mistaken, we have a race on our hands, with Diana Nyad continuing to chase her ‘Xtreme dream’ to swim from Cuba to Florida, and now also Penny Palfrey planning to swim from Cuba to Florida in June 2012. Palfrey has the world record for the longest solo unassisted ocean swim without a…

  • Gary Hall Sr interviews Penny Palfrey

    A Race Club interview here with Penny Palfrey, about her 67.2 mile unassisted ocean swim world record (for both men and women) from Little to Grand Cayman Islands. Gary Hall Sr is a master at finding nice interview locations :-)

  • Who brings a machete to an ocean swim ?

    Interesting detail here, as mentioned by Gold Medal Mel and The Swim Brief … One of the members of her support team traveling in a small inflatable, a local fisherman named Charles Ebanks, distracted the sharks with dead fish, then killed three of six- to eight-footers with a machete. Earlier this week we read that…

  • Palfrey recovering well after record-breaking swim

    Penny Palfrey was released from hospital Tuesday morning after being hospitalised for a day and a half from her epic 40 hour and 41 minute swim from Little Cayman to Grand Cayman. “The swelling is already gone and she’s starting to look like herself”, her husband Chris Palfrey said Monday evening. Turns out now afterwards…

  • Video from Palfrey’s record-setting swim

    Video here from Penny Palfrey’s swim between Little Cayman and Grand Cayman, and from the moment when she walked ashore after more than 40 gruelling hours in the sea. She beat the existing record for longest solo unassisted ocean swim by four miles, so that it now stands at 67.25 miles (108.22 km), but her…

  • Palfrey sets world record for longest unassisted ocean swim

    At approximately 10:07 pm Sunday night, marathon swimmer Penny Palfrey set a new world record by swimming 67.25 miles from Little Cayman to Grand Cayman in 40 hours and 41 minutes. Read more here on compasscayman.com and here on The Daily News of Open Water Swimming.