Tag: Grant Hackett

  • Ian Thorpe now pessimistic about his Olympic chances

    A week before the Australian Olympic trials, Thorpe has told Australia’s Network Ten that he doesn’t have high expectations of making the team after modest results in lead-up event. “The most realistic outcome of this is that I will most likely fail. … I wish I had another six months to do this,” he said…

  • Hackett helping out to launch Swim Kids Operation 10,000

    Swim Kids Operation 10,000 is a fundraising campaign developed by Uncle Tobys to help the Royal Life Saving Society raise awareness and funds to provide free Swim and Survive lessons for 10,000 children who would otherwise miss out. Targeting children from ethnic and indigenous communities as well as from disadvantaged families. Six-year-old Charbel Elias here…

  • Eamon Sullivan nearly drowned as a kid

    Australia’s star swimmer Eamon Sullivan could easily have become just another drowning statistic when, as a toddler, he accidentally rode into his family’s backyard pool. It was only the vigilance of his parents that saved him, and now the 26-year-old repays his fortune by helping Royal Life Saving, Uncle Tobys and Barnados teach disadvantaged children…

  • Drowning epidemic threatens Australia with 500,000 pupils unable to swim

    The Royal Life Saving Society of Australia estimates that at least 50,000 Australian pupils have left primary school each year this past decade without knowing how to swim, and that the country therefore faces a “drowning crisis”, maybe already manifesting itself with a spike in drownings in the 17- to 18-year age group. The society…

  • Grant Hackett: “No pool, no career”

    Tell me about it, it’s like hockey rink that I never got ! “I began swimming at Innisfail in Queensland and we had a pool and my swimming career would be non-existent without the pool. “Sporting facilities are the heart of regional communities and it becomes more than just a pool, but a meeting place,”…

  • The truth about the night Grant Hackett snapped

    Brace yourself before reading this Women’s Day report … On the surface, Grant Hackett seems to have it all – a beautiful wife, gorgeous two-year-old twins, and a golden reputation that has earned him a host of corporate gigs and a commentary spot at next year’s Olympics. But the triple Olympic gold medallist’s future is…

  • Candice Alley declares she and Grant Hackett “100 percent OK”

    Candice Alley declares she and Hackett are “100 percent OK”, and that nothing happened that early Sunday morning October 30th, when police was called to their property. She admits that something did occur, and states that she was embarrassed, but says it was nothing serious. Read the Herald Sun and She Knows. Here is Candice…

  • Introducing Swim Kids lessons with Grant Hackett and Eamon Sullivan

    Wow, Uncle Toby’s isn’t just oatmeal and fumbling sprinters, presenting 6 video lessons with Grant Hackett & Eamon Sullivan. See www.swimkids.com.au

  • Hackett denies that his apartment was trashed

    According to Grant Hackett himself, he was sorting out “private issues” with his wife when police swarmed his apartment at the weekend, according to the first sources ‘to find it in disarray’. Read The Telegraph via Gold Medal Mel “We came home and had a few private issues that we needed to deal with and…