In this series of videos, we will simulate swimming movements and engage the same muscles we use while we swim each stroke. We won’t have an intro or a long outro. That is because we want you to be able to play the video whenever you are ready and start the workout. The disadvantage of this method is that you don’t have a strong warm-up routine structured. So if you feel like you need to warm up beforehand you can use this video:

  1. Standing dolphin kicks
  2. Butterfly good mornings
  3. Butterfly push-ups
  4. Rocking hollow rock
  5. Circle push-ups
  6. Foot release Bridges
  7. Pike push-ups
  8. Hannibal push-ups
  9. Reverse push-ups
  10. Praying stretch


Production engineer and certified swim coach. Full-time IT consultant, spare-time swimming aficionado. 2 sons, 2 daughters and a wife. President of the Faroe Islands Aquatics Federation. Likes to run :-)

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