See The Local via Arbroath

Spanish daily ABC reported that the Ciudad Real woman had been having sexual relations with a man when the cover on a waterwheel well shaft became dislodged.

She plunged 10 metres into the hole near ‘Playa Park’ – a waterpark popular with local youths as a venue for romantic liaisons and ‘botellón’ outdoor drinking parties – before hitting the water.

It is believed that the couple had inadvertently loosened the boards covering the well while making love and had been too distracted to notice the impending peril.

The young man did not, unfortunately, respond in a manner likely to inspire writers of romantic songs and novels.

Instead of trying to rescue his unfortunate partner, he hitched up his trousers and fled the scene.

Emergency services later received an anonymous call which they believe was made by him but he did not return to the scene of the accident.

When firefighters rescued the woman she was found to be soaking wet and wearing no underwear.

She was taken at midnight to Ciudad Real general hospital to be treated for symptoms of hypothermia before being discharged at 10am the following morning.

Waterwheel image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons


Production engineer and certified swim coach. Full-time IT consultant, spare-time swimming aficionado. 2 sons, 2 daughters and a wife. President of the Faroe Islands Aquatics Federation. Likes to run :-)

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