Earlier this month, Rick Coleman and his wife were kayaking off Redondo Beach coast when a nearly 50-foot blue whale began eating lunch at the side of his boat. Coleman had his new waterproof GoPro head-mounted video camera with him, and well, then decided to just jump in to film the whale also underwater.

Here is a news segment about the encounter, where they show the GoPro camera and interview Coleman.

Source ThePostGame


Production engineer and certified swim coach. Full-time IT consultant, spare-time swimming aficionado. 2 sons, 2 daughters and a wife. President of the Faroe Islands Aquatics Federation. Likes to run :-)

1 Comment

  1. WOOOW YEAH! i love GoPro and so happy so see such historical moments being captured in the wild wild nature. we also do filming on our swimming vacations to improve our swimmers technique. Swimmers Dialy keeps showing more such videos!

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