Enjoy watching Olympic Swimmer for Team USA and Olympic Gold Medallist of London 2021 Breeja Larson teaching you how to improve your Breaststroke kick! The Breaststroke kick is what makes this stroke so powerful. If you want to refer it to a land exercise, the breaststroke kick would be more like a jumping squad. Therefore, the legs movement needs to be precise and very symmetrical. The cool thing about swimming is you can do the same repetition a hundred times without getting tired.


  1. Keep your body in a streamlined position
  2. Keep your knees closer together
  3. Flex heels outwards
  4. Push water back

Production engineer and certified swim coach. Full-time IT consultant, spare-time swimming aficionado. 2 sons, 2 daughters and a wife. President of the Faroe Islands Aquatics Federation. Likes to run :-)


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