The beach at Menominee Park in Oshkosh has become a popular place to swim, and Howard residents are enjoying the Duck Creek Quarry. Creeks and rivers can be tempting too, but one local pediatrician is cautioning people about swimming in some of these areas.

According to Dr. Abby Smolcich of ThedaCare Physicians Pediatrics-Darboy, “There can be visibility issues, it can be very difficult to see the bottom. There can be rocks and other items there that can be a trip hazard or could cause injuries. Currents are a big issue, especially in rivers and creeks.”

Many of these open waters do caution people there are no lifeguards on duty and you’re swimming at your own risk. It’s a good reminder that parents need to be vigilant when taking their kids swimming in these types of places.

“There’s a very big misconception that drowning is loud,” says Dr. Smolcich. Adding, “A lot of people think that if their child happened to fall into a pool or a lake and they are drowning that they’ll be able to tell, they’ll be able to hear them, they’ll be able to see them, they’ll be thrashing around and that’s not the case, drowning is silent.”


Photo by SassyTowne

Production engineer and certified swim coach. Full-time IT consultant, spare-time swimming aficionado. 2 sons, 2 daughters and a wife. President of the Faroe Islands Aquatics Federation. Likes to run :-)

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