Swimming is a full-body exercise, which is also fun and engaging. You can carry out this sport as an individual or do it with a partner. Most couples claim that love is doing swimming drills together frequently. Swimming has turned out to be one of the best sporting activities in the world. This is why you will notice many swimming competitions taking place nowadays. As hinted before, people join sporting for varied reasons. Some as a workout plan and others as a way of bonding with your significant other. People equally take up swimming as a profession and pursue it throughout their lives. Whatever the reason it is you want to swim, it is always a great experience

Image courtesy of Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash

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1.     Check on your swimming gear

Keep your swimming equipment simple, but at the same time, make sure you have everything you need. There are several items involved in swimming. However, you do not need all of them for the competition. The basics include goggles and a suit. You may also add swimming fins for extra motivation. Fins are especially great for newbies or those trying to become professional swimmers. They propel you faster and give you agility inside water. In essence, you will use lesser effort to move forward while inside water. You can use the fins for training until you are sure of your competency levels.

2.     Train effectively

Practice makes perfect or so does the adage say. You cannot go to a swimming competition meet without proper training. Well, unless you are planning to fail, do not attempt to compete untrained. Training is a crucial part of getting ready for the meet. You need to train right to improve your chances of winning.

An excellent way to do this is to get a seasoned coach to help. Having a similar training plan every day is not going to help you become champion. It is only going to regress you and drain your energy. A training coach comes in to ensure that your training pattern is effective. After all, this only sure way will guarantee you a place at the top of the table when the competition is done and dusted.

When training, you need to push yourself beyond your typical energy and go the extra mile. This will pump up your adrenaline and energy levels for the competition.

3.     Check on your turns and starts

This is often the obstacle for most swimmers. You can perfect these two stunts in the run-up to your swimming competition – a month or so leading to the competition is appropriate. You might think that they are not imperative to the race. However, your turns and starts can make a resounding impact on your life as a swimmer. You can set aside fifteen minutes for every workout schedule to training on starts and turns. This will help you a lot in your quest to win the championship.

4.     Watch your diet

The worst thing that can happen when racing is having a tummy disturbance. This is not just true for the competition day alone but also for the training. You cannot eat certain foods and expect to have an adequate training time. You need the right amount of energy, and this will come through when you eat appropriately.

Avoid a lot of junk and instead concentrate on eating nutritious and healthy foods. This will help you accumulate enough energy for your training and, ultimately, your swimming meet. It is especially crucial that you avoid any acidic foods or generally junk before the tournament.

5.     Create a mental picture of the race beforehand

Working on your mind is one way of preparing for the big day. The human brain is an integral part of everyday living. If you cannot tune it to think and act appropriately, then you will be shocked at how difficult everything will be from the training.

Always take time to meditate on the race while training too. Expert psychologists claim that visualization can help a great deal when trying to focus on anything. Therefore, thinking about the race and creating a mental picture while training can help improve your form in the competition, ultimately.

When you are approaching the D-day for the race, you need to put all focus on it and think about the best swim you will make on that day. This will create a series of motivation during the training, which can help you get better and enhance your skills.

You are better placed at avoiding mistakes when you enhance your muscle memory and dwell on the positives rather than being negative. Attitude is everything before and during completion. Creating mental pictures, especially positive ones, help to bolster your mood and spirit.

6.     Sleep well

Proper rest is mandatory when preparing for a competition. No matter how hard you train daily, you still need to take some time off and have a deep rest. Whether it is during the day or at night, you need to take a nap. Moreover, it should not be brief, as you need proper rest after every workout.

Fatigue is one factor that can mess up your chances of winning at the competition. Experts argue that you are tuned to perform better after a proper rest when the body is free of fatigue. If possible, avoid training on the day that precedes the competition. Take time to feed appropriately, do some proper grooming, and then rest for the entire night. This way, you will wake up energetic and ready for the day’s activities.

7.     Come up with goals

Finally, you need to create a few goals that you are supposed to meet on the competition day. Whether it is the first position, second or third, you need to take a realistic approach. Many swimmers do not bother to create goals, which is not ideal. Goals give you the motivation to work hard and having dedication during the race. Compete with a clear target of what you want to achieve.


Wrapping up, you have seen how to prepare for a swimming competition accordingly. Now it is time to get to work and prepare for yours appropriately. It would be best to take time and implement these and any other useful tips before the race.

Author Bio

Michael Gorman is a highly skilled freelance writer and proofreader from the UK who currently works at an essay writing service as an essay and resume writer. To get a better understanding of his prowess, check out the academized reviews. Being interested in everyday development, he writes various blog posts and discovers new aspects of human existence every day. Feel free to contact him via Facebook or check his Twitter.


Production engineer and certified swim coach. Full-time IT consultant, spare-time swimming aficionado. 2 sons, 2 daughters and a wife. President of the Faroe Islands Aquatics Federation. Likes to run :-)


  1. Nice and informative post! As a professional swimming instructor I endorse your tips, In addition, Don’t wear a cap for the first time at your championship meet. If this works for you, try wearing your goggles over or under your cap, latex or silicone, and so on. The swimmer becomes paranoid when warming up, so he or she always worries about ruining their taper.

  2. Simmonz Domo on

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  3. I’m sure before you start doing anything you need to know a little more about it. Then your work will be of high quality.

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