Being comfortable in your skin is often easier said than done. Too often, and with the current standards for the ‘perfect body’, many people get caught up in the habit of criticizing their bodies and feeling ashamed of who they are.

Photo courtesy of EliasSch, Pixabay License

Nevertheless, body confidence isn’t just about appreciating the shape and size of your body; it goes further into appreciating how far your body can go and the amazing things it can do.

Whether you have just swum your best lap in months or won a swimming competition, give your body credit and appreciation it deserves. That is what body confidence is all about.

Can Swimming Help You Gain Confidence?

Did you know that just 30 minutes of swimming can convince you that you look better- whether you are fit or not?

One of the reasons people engage in swimming is to feel better about themselves. A study by the University of Florida revealed that the act of exercise is in itself more important than your fitness level. And more often than not, people who exercise get to feel better about their appearance even if they have not achieved their fitness goals.

How Does Swimming Help Boost Your Body Confidence?

Swimming helps rejuvenate your mind and body while at the same time, giving it an amazing workout. Even with moderate swimming exercises, people have reported a boost in their positive body perceptions. It is important to understand that your confidence ‘battle’ takes place in your mind. Once you have a positive perception of yourself, you will automatically feel better about yourself.

While there are so many products in the market to help you lose weight, swimming offers a healthy scientifically-backed alternative. A 30 minutes’ worth of swimming can burn more than 300 calories making swimming the go-to exercise for people battling excess body weight. The more intense your swimming exercises are, the more weight you will lose. And if your weight is the barrier to feeling confident, then losing it will help you get your confidence in check.

We all know how great we feel when we look and feel fit. Swimming is one way to accomplish this. The natural resistance of the water will increase your strength levels. It will also accentuate your six-pack (if you have them) and help tuck away the little fat pockets on the sides of your tummy. The afterward toning effect will make you want to rock that beachwear you have been keeping away for so long. To get the most out of your swimming routine, you can decide to drag along a friend to keep you motivated even during your bad days.

Being comfortable in your skin isn’t something that happens overnight. Sometimes you have to work on it. When everything about you exudes confidence, you will have an enhanced quality of life, socially, mentally, and even physically. Remember, most often than not, how you perceive yourself determines how other people perceive you. So swim your way to self-confidence and rock it as you own it!

Guest post by David Cappetto / Nereids Aquatic Coaching



Production engineer and certified swim coach. Full-time IT consultant, spare-time swimming aficionado. 2 sons, 2 daughters and a wife. President of the Faroe Islands Aquatics Federation. Likes to run :-)

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