In the future, there will be no escape from robotic observation. Proof (if proof were needed) comes in the form of Loon Copter, a drone developed by Oakland University’s Embedded Systems Research Laboratory that can not only fly, but also land on and even navigate under the water’s surface. The Loon Copter project has been around a while, but this latest prototype is much more polished, and a semifinalist in the 2016 Drones for Goodcompetition.

At a glance, the Loon Copter looks much like a conventional quadcopter, just with a taller, barrel-like body. The drone can land and float on water,much like other craft, but its party trick is the ability to fill its buoyancy chamber, causing it to safely sink to a few meters beneath the surface. The clever design causes the Loon to tilt 90 degrees in the water, so that its propellors act like outboard motors, letting it navigate the (not very deep) blue like other subaquatic robots. When the water is released, the Loon floats back to the surface, at which point it can take to the skies again.

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Production engineer and certified swim coach. Full-time IT consultant, spare-time swimming aficionado. 2 sons, 2 daughters and a wife. President of the Faroe Islands Aquatics Federation. Likes to run :-)

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