Guest post by The Swimming Pool Store

According to The Royal Life Saving Society UK around 400 people needlessly drown in the UK every year and thousands more suffer injury, some life changing, through near-drowning experiences. Putting this into context, one person dies every 20 hours in the UK, and drowning is the third highest cause of accidental death of children in the UK.

This is why ensuring your child is safe when swimming is essential.

But don’t let these statistics put you off, as swimming is a great form of all-round exercise. Getting involved regularly can reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke according to the NHS.

The reason for a lot of drowning cases is because people don’t know how to swim and don’t stay safe when in the water, and therefore starting children off from an early age is highly beneficial.

Teach Your Children How To Swim From An Early Age

Some parents feel their baby isn’t safe in water, however this isn’t the case. You can take your baby for a swim at any age. Doing so allows your baby to get used to the water as he/she gets older, and swimming becomes second nature to them.

Never Leave Your Child Unattended In A Pool

It’s vital that you do not leave your child unattended in a pool. If you keep an eye on them, then there confidence will remain high knowing they can see you, and lifeguards can’t always watch everyone. Drowning can happen in water as little as 2 inches, so ensure nothing distracts you.

Learn CPR

Learn CPR- a first aid technique that can save a person’s life. About 92% of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before reaching the hospital according to the American Heart Association.

Make Sure Your Child Uses Appropriate Flotation Devices

Do not solely rely on inflatable toys, water wings or air mattresses when your kids are in the water. Utilise appropriate and correct flotation devices such as life jackets (look for those which are coast guard approved), arm bands (water wings) or life belts – but remember that you’re one of the best swimming aids for a child, too!

Ensure Your Child Asks Your Permission Before Entering The Pool

Make sure that your child knows that they can’t just run and jump in the water as they please, they need your permission to do so! Not only will you know where they are, but they’ll know you’re close by keeping a watchful eye.

Follow these safety tips and your child will remain far safer when out in the water, letting them have fun while you’re confident they’re getting a good level of exercise.


Production engineer and certified swim coach. Full-time IT consultant, spare-time swimming aficionado. 2 sons, 2 daughters and a wife. President of the Faroe Islands Aquatics Federation. Likes to run :-)

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