A dog died last weekend shortly after swimming in a Sherburne County lake that had developed areas of heavy algae growth.

“We noticed that Copper went on shore, began vomiting and panting very hard, and just looked very sick,” the owner said. “I carried him to my truck and brought him to the vet’s office.”While the cause of Copper’s illness has not been confirmed, the veterinarian who examined him believed that he became ill after ingesting toxins from blue-green algae.

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Photo by Andrea Pokrzywinski


Production engineer and certified swim coach. Full-time IT consultant, spare-time swimming aficionado. 2 sons, 2 daughters and a wife. President of the Faroe Islands Aquatics Federation. Likes to run :-)

1 Comment

  1. This is a interesting story and sorry to hear about your dog getting sick.. im wondering if the algea could cause death.

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