carlzon-jakobssonExpressen has this video now where Cathrin Levander (Carlzon) and also hero Tobias Jakobsson explain how they saved that little boy from drowning, who yesterday went into a river in Uppsala, Sweden, fastened to his baby carriage, as reported by and then reported here and on SwimmingWorld Magazine. See also Metro, UNT and SvD. Video and sources is all in Swedish, but I’ll work on that, see below. The little boy is fortunately OK, they say, only suffering from minor injuries.

I will try to make a complete transcript later tonight, but short story is that Jakobsson arrived on the scene first, and saw a man lying fully dressed in the river. He jumped in, only to realize that the man wasn’t the one in trouble, but searching after his son who was somewhere in the depths below.

Jakobsson dove down three times but couldn’t find the boy in the murky waters, before Levander came by and jumped in also, and happened to find the carriage with her feet. They didn’t even realize that they had found the boy, as they didn’t know he was in the baby carriage, but thought they had found a bicycle or something. But then they felt the boy also, who was secured to the carriage, and realized what they were looking for.

They struggled but got the carriage and boy up and out of the water, Levander performing a bit of CPR on the way to the shore, where her police colleague Kenneth Larsson and Levander and an anesthetist who just happened to walk by also took turns performing CPR, until the ambulance arrived. During the CPR the kid started moving his arms but was still struggling when the paramedics arrived.

The reporter says at the end in the video that the boy has been moved from intensive care and has suffered only minor injuries.

In this story on UNT, Levander says it was the little boy’s older sister that shocked but calm pointed her towards where she should dive. Jakobsson estimates that it took about 5 minutes before the boy got out of the water, and by then he wasn’t breathing or conscious. Levander’s police colleague Larsson praises Levander and Jakobsson for their work in the water, “A real heroic effort, really impressive. They were so calm and communicative. A school example on how you want it to happen,” he said with a big smile.


Production engineer and certified swim coach. Full-time IT consultant, spare-time swimming aficionado. 2 sons, 2 daughters and a wife. President of the Faroe Islands Aquatics Federation. Likes to run :-)

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