Oh my oh my, we need this, read Engadget

Azorean’s Ziphius is a partially submerged device that can be controlled via iOS or Android smartphone or tablet. There’s an on-board HD camera that offers up visuals to give the user a first-person view both above and below the water. Azorean plans to open the API on the vehicle and software to let developers create all manner of games and apps that’ll harness augmented reality. Inside of the drone, you’ll find a Raspberry Pi, an Ardunio-based plate and two differential motors. The company’s promising intuitive handling and even a bit of autonomy with the Ziphius.

You can support the project by voting here, they have a chance of winning $25,000.

It’s a no-brainer!


Production engineer and certified swim coach. Full-time IT consultant, spare-time swimming aficionado. 2 sons, 2 daughters and a wife. President of the Faroe Islands Aquatics Federation. Likes to run :-)


  1. @mbswimchick @swimmersdaily @swimswamnews – May need a spiky front so coaches can get swimmers who stop on the wall going again.

      • @swimmersdaily @goswim @swimswamnews I’m going to tell my swimmers how lucky they are tonight during their kick sets, no missles or spikes!

    • @goswim @swimmersdaily @swimswamnews Glenn you are possibly more evil than I :-)
      I imagined the treat of being filmed underwater was enough

  2. Pingback: Alright, ‘our’ drone Ziphius is in the final (!) | Swimmer's Daily

  3. Pingback: We have a winner: Ziphius the Aquatic Drone ! | Swimmer's Daily

  4. Pingback: Ziphius the Aquatic Drone now on Kickstarter | Swimmer's Daily

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